Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ok, I was humbled by Elder Darby's site. SO . . .

This is from Kevin today. June 7th 2011
You know what feels good?

A freshly pressed suit. Gotta love it. :)

Good Morning Dear Friends and family. Good to hear from you. :)

I'm doing well, life is good. Things with Elder Diaz are great. We've already checked out bus routes, started working out, I've learned a lot about cars and things like that, I've learned about farming, Spanish phrases, and slang, and I've learned a lot so far, and I'm excited for the future ( I love how I have to write something is Spanish now, then try to translate it to Spanish. Spelling is SOOOOOOOO much easier in Spanish. Futuro Fu-tu-ro... Awesome. )

Oh, I'm supposed to say this'll be a quickie, makes my letters better. :)

We had a really good lesson with the Vidrios this last week, and we've seen how the Lord is putting small trials in their lives to cause them to want to return to church. something simple as a fight amongst former family can do wonders about causing a person to re-think life. Even something as simple a re-hanging a picture of Christ shows renewed devotion to Him. It's pleasantly surprising, but mostly wonderful to watch.

We also did some really fun service this week. basically we cut down a jungle in someone's backyard. The grass was about 3 feet high around the entire place including a week that was 2 inches thick.... Absolutely crazy, but it was a lot of fun to do, and It looked REALLY good afterwards. I really enjoyed that, even though that was really hard work.

Well I'm rushed off so I'll close.

I lvoe you all ,even if I can never spell it ;)

Christ Lives! I'm doing His work, or at least helping with it, along with all Others that have made covenants to do so, and then follow through with them.

I lvoe my family, I lvoe my friends. I lvoe never having to worry about seeing my close friends again because I know that in the eternities they'll be there, but only if I keep my covenants. It's all about covenants.

Accept Christ, and live like him.

Oh, I almost forgot, I'm in the War chapters... like Alma 50 or so... Keep going yourselves.

Again, I leave with my love.

Until next week...
